Friday, August 6, 2010

Five Question Friday 8/6/2010

Yeah! It is Five Question Friday, and this week I am able to add a few pics w/ a few of the questions.  How fun is that?  Why don't you join me and share your answers!

1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?
I guess I would say neat, depends on if the a/c is set right.  If it is to hot in the house I am all over the place. Got to sleep in a cold house! 

This is a common sight in my bed, notice the cover at the bottom of the pic, bed is never made.  Kids are always in and out of it. :^)

2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.
I wish I was more of a house keeper.  I HATE to clean house, the dishes, laundry, bathrooms, yuck! I would rather be out and about or even sitting in my chair crocheting but cleaning house. YUCK!

3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?
I know this is going to sound strange to any male readers I might have (like men read mommy blogs?) but, I really wish someone had warned me that after you have a baby, your milk does not come in right away and that it will HURT when it does come in.  I was so unprepared for that w/ Biggun.  My milk did not come in for the first 5 days and well I kept thinking oh this is easy, how can people have issues w/ this, I am so blessed there is no pain then on day 5 POW ouch comes the pain.  Took me a few days to get past it but boy was it worth it.  I new what to expect w/ my next two children.  But boy was that like a shock to me.  I try to share with any new mom to not be surprised that when it Does hurt and how to get past that pain. 
4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?
I have not been to either in a long time.  But I guess I would have to say this mini recliner that we got for Biggun when he was like 3 and it is still going strong in our house.  
Here is Honey, when she was just at about a year old. Too cute!

5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?
I could go for Fray's chocolate covered glazed donuts. They are the best and can be eaten at anytime of day!  

Lil' Momma


  1. Hey I'm stopping by from Five Q Friday. I appreciate the new information about donuts being a meal. Who would have thunk it?


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