About Five

I am Lil' Momma, a thirty something wife, mother and homeschool/preschool teacher. 
Wow I am tired just reading that.

I started blogging when my son started homeschooling as a way to keep keep a memory of what all we were doing.

This is Big Daddy. He is a truck driver who is home every night to be with us. 
He is my biggest supporter. 

Here is the background behind how God blessed us with 3 beautiful blessings.

 Went to investigate with the doctors and we were told we most likely would NOT have children. 

Well those doctors just did not know how big MY God IS!  2 years later I decided to get healthy and loose some weight. Joined Weight Watchers and lost 25lbs. 

About a week after I lost that 25th pound I found out I was pregnant.
So in 1999 we gave birth to Biggun...

What a blessing he is to our lives.  Life could not be any better.  We still wondered if God would ever bless us again.  After 6 years we had all but given up. 
 Again I decided to get healthy again and joined weight watchers. 
This time I had lost 40 lbs and was oh so close to my goal, only needing about 23lbs more to go and God blessed us with Honey who was born in 2007....

Life could not get any better.  What a blessing 2 children, a boy and a girl. I bet you are thinking I joined Weight Watchers again.  Well I never had a chance to gain any weight back.  I was still nursing and 13 months after Honey was born I found out I was pregnant with Moose!

What a blessing he is to our life! 
He is full of all kinds of energy and shows us his own personality daily. 

That will teach people to tell me what God will do and not do. 
I have a BIG God!

We are all in training for our God.

And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest. ~ Luke 8:15

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