Monday, September 27, 2010

God's Will or My Own

Today a dear friend over at Shapes of Angels posted a blog called Choosing Him and His Way

 After reading it I was drawn to 
1 Corinthians 10:6.  
I was then lead to read it in different version.  Each one seems to say translates this verse just a little different. But wow when you put them all together what a powerful verse. 
Lets see what they say.
Now these things occurred as examples, to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.

Now these things happened as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they also craved.

NLV - 
These things happened as a warning to us, so that we would not crave evil things as they did,

I think my favorite is the 
Message so IN YOUR FACE....
The same thing could happen to us. We must be on guard so that we never get caught up in wanting our own way as they did.

This made me really pay attention am I living for God's WILL or my own.  Am I  setting my heart, craving or getting caught up in my own wants and not listening to God's will?

What about you?

Lil' Momma


  1. Brandy, thanks for posting all the different versions of this verse! Each one has a different strong word of warning. I am with you, wanting to be sure that I am pursuing His will instead of my wants.

  2. Perfect timing on this post! I am dealing with an extremely sensitive situation right now. I completely want to act in one way, but absolutely know God would want me to act in another. I have not faced something like this before and it is so refreshing to once again read of how God is taking care of us and preparing us so that we can make the right choice when it counts and glorify HIM!!!


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