Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ABC's of Homeschooling - Q

This weeks letter is "Q." This week I was not sure what to write about until I sat and made a list of "Q" words. I thought of


How can I do a post on just one "Q" word. So I am going to write about all 3.

Quality - Do I give my kids quality time and education? Some days the quality might not be as good as another day. But when you put them all together they are full of quality. We use quality curriculum like time4learning.com and Draw to Learn Psalms .

Quickly - Babies and children grow up very fast.  To quickly if you ask me. It seems like just yesterday I was holding Biggun (12 years old now) or teaching him his letters. Even when things are not going the best, you know the screaming tantrums that littles have it all still goes by to quickly.

Qualify - This is one question I get often.  What makes me qualified to teach my children. The answer I give to that is GOD! God qualified me to be their parent. I am to "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart." (Proverbs 22:6) What better way then to homeschool them myself. God has provided a lot of help in this department. With all the curriculum out there and even  online computer games for review like SAT games, for when we get to that stage in our life.

So what "Q" word would you use to describe your homeschool.  Stop by The Momma Knows and share your word.

Link up to the ABC's

Lil Momma Strouse

1 comment:

  1. There are not too many Q words -- thought about using my maiden name, but didn't think it would be too interesting to anyone but me! Anyway, I wrote about being qualified as well, so if you get a chance, you can check out my post. And I agree with you, they do grow up all too quickly!


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