Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Almost that dreaded time again....

Yes that dreaded time my daughter will soon be learning to read and I am going to be the one to do the teaching. I know, as a homeschooler I should not dread any part of school, right?


We had such a hard time w/ Biggun in the reading department, I am dreading teaching my next child to read.  Not enough to put her in school but enough that I am looking at EVERYTHING out there to teacher her.  From phonetic awareness programs to guided reading. We tried both ways w/ Biggun. He still struggled.  I did not have know about time4learning.com when Biggun was first starting out. I am hoping that will help take some of the stress off of us.

Any suggestions on what has worked for ya'll are always welcome!

Lil' Momma


  1. I'm sure that Honey will do great. She's a very smart little girl!

  2. Thankyou for your comment on my blog. We are working on the reading adventure with our daughter and are using the book "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" by siefried engelmann. The first 10 lessons or so were difficult for my daughter and I to get through because it is very slow and repetitive but once my daughter was able to sound
    out a handful of three letter words she has gotten much more interested. We are borrowing ours from the library but will be getting our own copy because we like it so much. Best of luck!

  3. This program was SO wonderful in helping my youngest in the reading department: http://www.talkingfingers.com/online-demo/. We didn't have T4L either back when he started. I think T4L combined with this program would be an AWESOME reading and phonics combo!! :)

  4. hi there! thanks for stopping by my blog! how did you find me? the spelling suggestions you left (spellingcity and sandpaper) were really fun! We'll be trying those soon!

    I also just wanted to say we used "teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons" as well and really liked it. It's not a perfect program and there are a few things I add in there to fill in the gaps they have, but overall, it's a good program. Hope your newest reading adventure is smoother than your last was! I know that for me, the first one was definetely the hardest!



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