Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ABC's of Homeschooling - U

This weeks letter is "U."

While thinking of this letter and how it goes with homeschooling I think of the prefix "Un" I know not a whole word. But think about it, these words really fit my world sometimes...


Untidy - usually means that my kids have left newspapers all over the floor after using them to create authentic swords from King Author's time. Or they have left the blankets all over the living room after they built that castle to go with those swords.

Unclean - usually means paint up to elbows and rice all over the floor after rice play. Or a dirt ring around the diaper waist before getting in the tub and leaving that dirt ring in the tub.

Unsocialized - usually mean not mixing with other children or even adults that I don't approve of. This is very easy to do being we are homeschooled and have the ability to put ourselves and our children in the presence of people we feel are appropriate and are not.

Unstructured - usually means that we are laid back on how we get our school work done. Using context games to get ideas across in an unusual way. Unstructured mean going along the kids interest in learning basics. Using things like word searches and hangman to have even more fun.

Unconcerned - usually means unconcerned about what other people think about our choice to homeschool. Unconcerned about what people thing about us wearing dresses/skirts 90% of the time. Unconcerned about how we may not let our children be involved in sports due to it does not fit with our families way of life.

That is my U post for the week.  Can't wait to read ya'lls. Head on over to The Momma Knows and sign up to share.

Link up to the ABC's

Lil Momma Strouse


  1. Yes, lots and lots of UNs around here! :) Love it!
    ~Dawn @ TheMommaKnows.com

  2. Enjoyed reading your post for "U" for the ABCs of Homeschooling.

  3. I love it that your kids made swords and a blanket castle!


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