Thursday, May 8, 2014

Unexpected Blessings

Big Daddy Strouse has been playing the drums for a few months now. He is doing a great job with it. He has not played the drums since he was in high school that is like 20 something years. I am very proud of how well he is doing. Like he has never stopped playing.

This past weekend I was blessed to be asked to sing with the praise band at church. It was totally unexpected.  What a blessing. I love to sing, I love to go and do karaoke. But have not done karaoke in about year. Life has been to crazy to go. I have plugged myself in at church through the audio visual area. Running the computer that shows the words to the songs and the notes from the pastor during the sermon. When last week they where short singers in the praise band. Big Daddy Strouse volunteered me. I am happy he did. I can not tell you how much I enjoyed it. Even with the nerves of singing in front of people I know. (Karaoke no one knows you. If you screw up who cares.) God took over those nerves and I was not singing to a congregation but to HIM. I can not say enough what a blessing it is to sing out to HIM.

I wish I could figure out how to put the recording of the service on my blog. Maybe one week I will be able to figure it out.

I wanted to share how God has blessed me in the past week.

Now if I could figure out what world history high school course we will use next year. I know the blessings will keep flowing in all areas of my life.

Lil Momma Strouse

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